Registration closes on
November 3, 2024, 23:59 Nicosia time
Registration can be transferred to another participant but is non-refundable
The organizers will provide drinks (water, coke), fruits, nuts. If you have preferences for other foods or drinks, you should bring these yourself.
Assistance, escort, pacing, or accompaniment of the racers by vehicle, in person, or otherwise by unauthorized persons is forbidden during the race.
Participants can set up a tent on the stadium ground and are expected to bring their own gear. The stadium is equipped with toilets, changing rooms and shower.
Participant number with chip, pins, souvenirs from the organizers.
Timing and measuring of the length in kilometers will be done by means of the number-chip system that all participants will receive when collecting their bibs.

15 minutes before the end of the race, each runner will receive a bottle of water with their starting number. At the final bang of the gun, after 6H or 12H, the runner places a bottle on the ground, and the judging team will record the exact score.
10km Race is a satellite race. Participants of 10km Race may start the race at any time after 8.00am and shall finish the race by 8.00pm on 10 November 2024. Those participants who did not finish the race before 8.00pm will be deemed not finished (DNF). While running, the participants of 10km Race shall give way to the participants of
12H Ultramarathon and
6H Ultramarathon.
Each competitor will get a finisher medal. First three finishers in M and F in 12H Ultramarathon and 6H Ultramarathon who covered the longest distance will be awarded with commemorative prizes. Also one best finisher in M and F in 10km Race will be awarded with commemorative prizes.
Medical service will be present at the venue for the duration of the competition and will be available to all runners.
The organizers will provide drinks (water, coke), fruits, nuts. If you have preferences for other foods or drinks, you should bring these yourself.
Assistance, escort, pacing, or accompaniment of the racers by vehicle, in person, or otherwise by unauthorized persons is forbidden during the race.
Participants can set up a tent on the stadium ground and are expected to bring their own gear. The stadium is equipped with toilets, changing rooms and shower.
Participant number with chip, pins, souvenirs from the organizers.
Timing and measuring of the length in kilometers will be done by means of the number-chip system that all participants will receive when collecting their bibs.

15 minutes before the end of the race, each runner will receive a bottle of water with their starting number. At the final bang of the gun, after 6H or 12H, the runner places a bottle on the ground, and the judging team will record the exact score.
10km Race is a satellite race. Participants of 10km Race may start the race at any time after 8.00am and shall finish the race by 8.00pm on 10 November 2024. Those participants who did not finish the race before 8.00pm will be deemed not finished (DNF). While running, the participants of 10km Race shall give way to the participants of
12H Ultramarathon and
6H Ultramarathon.
Each competitor will get a finisher medal. First three finishers in M and F in 12H Ultramarathon and 6H Ultramarathon who covered the longest distance will be awarded with commemorative prizes. Also one best finisher in M and F in 10km Race will be awarded with commemorative prizes.
Medical service will be present at the venue for the duration of the competition and will be available to all runners.
The Event is a friendly event and is not sponsored by any community, club, or government agency.
All responsibility for the physical and moral condition of the competitors lies solely with the competitors themselves.
Each competitor waives any claims to the organizers of the Event related to or caused by his / her participation in the Event. Each competitor shall sign the waiver as a condition to the participation in the Event.
All participants must be 18 years old on the day of the race on 10 November 2024. Waiver
We are happy to answer any questions!
© 2022 - 2024 Lazy Trailrunners Club
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